
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

Changing the scope in the prioritization of the International Criminal Court: Environmental crimes


  • Sebastián Smart University College, Londres


On September 15, 2016, the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court issued a document on prioritization and case selection of cases to investigate that had great media impact, mainly on groups that defend the environment. This impact was primarily based on paragraphs 40 and 41 of the document, which leaves an open door to investigate and prosecute environmental crimes in the context of the ICC. Despite the media impact, the doctrine has not elaborated the potentialities and limitations of this new tool. Under an analysis of the prioritization document, this paper seeks to contribute to this discussion, concluding that although this new policy does not mean that the Court’s competence is been modified, it is an important change of focus that can contribute to avoid the current impunity existent in such crimes.


International Criminal Court, environmental crimes, human rights defenders

Author Biography

Sebastián Smart, University College, Londres

Sebastián Smart es licenciado en Derecho de la Universidad Católica de Chile, ma-gíster en Derechos Humanos de la University College of London y candidato a doctor en la misma casa de estudios. Es diplomado en Descentralización y Desarrollo Local de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Ha trabajado en la ONG Techo en Chile, Haití y el Reino Unido. Además, ha sido consultor de diversas organizaciones internacio-nales, tales como London Mining Network y Colombian Caravana, y ha colaborado con el estudio jurídico Deighton, Pierce & Glynn en casos de derechos humanos en el Reino Unido. Su correo electrónico es juan.smart.12@ucl.ac.uk.