Elegies for the death of the father in Eloy Sánchez Rosillo y Rafael Rubio


  • Pedro Aldunate Flores Universidad Austral de Chile


In this article, two examples of elegies in Spanish and Chilean poetry are studied: “En mitad de la noche” by the Spanish poet Eloy Sánchez Rosillo, and “El arte de la elegía” by the Chilean poet, Rafael Rubio. The ritual function of these texts is investigated through the visualization of situated poetic scenes which, in both cases, refer to the death of the father. Likewise, dialogues and encounters with both poets are established in relation to the anthropological and philosophical problem linked to the death of the other. These elegies are also situated in the wider context of the elegy tradition of western literature.


death, father, elegy, Eloy Sánchez Rosillo, Rafael Rubio