The “unreal” in Xavier Zubiri: the philosophical problem of art and literature (in the light of J. R. R. Tolkien)


  • Diego Honorato E. Universidad de Los Andes


In this article it is studied the problem of the ‘unreal’ in the Spanish philosopher Xavier Zubiri. More specifically we deal with the problem of fictions and art. A brief conceptualization is made about what the philosopher understands by reality, and how the unreal is inserted in it. It is briefly proposed that the unreal is “really” unreal and that man is forced or compelled to deal with the unreal and with fictions in order to be able to actually and truly be with (amid) real things. The article, as if were a case study, establishes a dialogue between the previous views and the tolkeinian conception of phantasy.


Zubiri, reality, unreal, fiction, work of art, Tolkien