Bataille in Anti-Oedipus


  • Vicente Montenegro Bralic Université de Toulouse II-Jean Jaurès


The article stresses the relevance of Bataille in Deleuze and Guattari’s (D-G) Anti-Oedipus(AE), to show the debt or affiliation between the notion of “improductive expenditure” and that of “desiring production”. Framming the sense of the former in a general economy, afinities between such thinking and the project of D-G in AE are shown, having in sight a certain reading of the marxian thesis of the identity between man and nature. Conclussions are drawn upon possibles reinscriptions that Bataille and D-G’s works may have in the history of marxism and contemporary thought.


improductive expenditure, general economy, Anti-Oedipus, desiring production, materialism

Author Biography

Vicente Montenegro Bralic, Université de Toulouse II-Jean Jaurès

39 Rue Lejeune, 31000, Toulouse, Francia. Estudiante de Doctorado en Filosofía, Université de Toulouse II-Jean Jaurès y Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. Becario del Programa de Becas Chile para Doctorado en el extranjero (CONICYT, Gobierno de Chile).