Mujeres y ciudadanía: discursos y representaciones sobre “identidades femeninas” en la historia reciente argentina. Iglesia católica y mujeres en movimiento


  • Gabriela García Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • Ezequiel Espinosa CONICET


Since 1983, when democracy was restored in Argentina, debates and disputes resurface with old and new political actors. In this framework, we analyze the discourses and representations of "citizenship of women" that underlie the conflicts generated around women's rights, wich could be framed in an enlargement of citizenship process. Based on the performative power of discourse and ideas, we will approach the relationship between those conceptions and the consolidation of certain hegemonic models of female subjectivity and certain forms of women's citizenship. To answer the question: what kind of inclusion in public spheres has been proposed for women in the last years?, we focus the analysis on the images and concepts of "womanhood" of two key parts of the discussion, in Argentina: the Catholic Church and women and feminist movements.    


citizenship, discourses, performance, feminism, identity