Methodology of action research in the foreign language teaching: its possibilities and limitations



Foreign languages educators are still looking for research methods that could allow them to embrace and comprehend the complexity of language teaching and learning. It was within this framework the methodology called action-research has been applied: to study a social situation in which the researchers faces the intention of improving it. The method was created and described by Kurt Lewin in the 1940s through his social experiments. In foreign language teaching, the term refers to a wide range of strategies implemented to improve the educational system of teaching and learning. According to their methodological principles, the research is conducted by the same person who acts and makes decisions combining the role of a researcher and a teacher. The main goal is to identify action strategies that are implemented and later subjected to observation, reflection and possible changes. In this paper the author focuses on the possibilities and limitations that the action research represents for didactics researcher. His own experience based on this methodology is a point of reference for this study.


research methodology, foreign language teaching, research methods, action research, research in the classroom