
Call to publish scientific articles that will be received between June 20 and November 20, 2019, referring to:

University Pedagogy: With topics such as public policies in higher education, legislative system and reforms, academic programs, comparative policies, massification processes, quality assurance, legal professions, and others in higher education as a general field, referring to the Chilean and international context .

Didactics of Law: With topics whose centrality is related to processes of innovation, learning, curriculum, innovations, teaching experiences, students and teachers characterization , among others in legal education in the Chilean and international context.

Ethical and citation standards (Chicago-deusto) must be taken care of, in addition to the originality of the research or innovation.

Justice as interpretation: the educational challenges of Boyd White´s philosophical approach


  • Ana Carolina de Faría Silvestre Rodrigues Centro de Ensino Superior em Gestão, Administração e Educação


Is the task of judging related to a interpretative exercise? According to James Boyd White, much more than we can imagine at first glimpse. The law is an arena in which various discourses take place and the legal professionals should behave as a interpretative actor in relation to the parties, witnesses, experts and, in general, with those who are not lawyers. But, legal professionals are prepared to carry out this task? Partially. One of the barriers to justice as a interpretative exercise is the language of law. In addition, to debate theoretically the justice exercise as an interpretative exercise, this paper adds an educational experience oriented by their challenges.


Justice as interpretation, legal education

Author Biography

Ana Carolina de Faría Silvestre Rodrigues, Centro de Ensino Superior em Gestão, Administração e Educação

Centro de Ensino Superior em Gestão, Tecnologia e Educação